Averi Chakrabarti


Averi Chakrabarti is an economist in the International Development Division at AIR. Dr. Chakrabarti specializes in using quantitative research methods to investigate issues related to social protection, health, nutrition, gender, and child well-being. She has published peer-reviewed journal articles and evaluation reports on topics such as the impacts of cash transfers on youth exposure to violence in Zimbabwe, the implications of deforestation-induced malaria on infant mortality in Indonesia, and the economic value of school feeding programs in a sample of low- and middle-income countries. 

Dr. Chakrabarti has extensive experience with survey design, piloting and implementation, enumerator trainings, data analysis, manuscript/report writing, and the dissemination of research findings, and previously held research fellowships at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania.

Averi Chakrabarti

Ph.D., Public Policy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
