Isabelle Edwards

Research Associate

Isabelle Edwards is a research associate at AIR. She has contributed to studies on school desegregation and integration, social emotional learning, and teacher coaching/professional development. Her responsibilities include conducting and coding interviews, screening abstracts and full texts for research syntheses, facilitating participatory research and mentoring undergraduate co-researchers, supporting program implementation in suburban and rural school districts, and drafting preliminary qualitative analyses. Her primary areas of interest include critical research methodologies, the ethics of research, and participatory action research. 

Edwards is a co-author of the Considerations for Centering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Research Syntheses, a resource document operationalizing values of diversity, equity, and inclusion in each phase of the research synthesis process. She is also a co-facilitator of Who Counts?, a community of practice for quantitative researchers interested in building a critical or equity-driven lens.